Dementia is a progressive condition. While it can affect memory, thinking skills, and problem-solving, it doesn’t mean your loved ones cannot continue to live their lives meaningfully.
Dementia does not have to be a barrier to your loved one continuing their daily activities and maintaining relationships with friends and family. Creating an enjoyable environment that helps stimulate your loved one with dementia can help improve their mood, reduce anxiety and increase self-esteem. Here are some simple activities for dementia you can do with your loved one to help stimulate them and keep their mind active:
Gardening may sound like something people with dementia are not able to participate in, but this is not the case. There are many benefits to gardening for people with dementia. Not only does it help develop a deeper relationship with the natural world, but it can also improve your loved one’s cognitive state. Gardening can also promote social interaction, physical activity, and access to fresh produce, which can improve mobility and enable more independence in the kitchen. As well as reducing depression, gardening can also reduce anxiety and improve mood, which can make your loved ones feel less sad and more like themselves again.
Playing Music
This is a great way to get your loved one out of the house and involved in an activity. Whether you play an instrument or just enjoy singing, music can provide much-needed physical and emotional stimulation. While music may not directly stimulate your loved one’s memory, it can help reduce anxiety and improve mood, which can make your loved one feel more like themselves again.
Dancing can be a safe way for your loved one to explore new sensations, such as feeling the music through their body or exploring new surroundings. If your loved one is on the fence about letting you dance with them, dancing with other people or just enjoying the rhythm of the music can help change their mind. Dancing can also help improve your loved one’s mobility and sense of balance, which can make everyday tasks such as getting out of bed or eating meals a bit easier. If your loved one is having trouble coordinating their movements, dancing can potentially boost their cognitive ability and reduce their confusion.
Playing Games
Games are a great way to get your loved one moving while reducing anxiety and boosting mood. You can try playing board games or card games, such as gin rummy. You can also try playing games like dominos, jacks, or ping pong that don’t require a lot of thought. This will help your loved ones stay more active while reducing their anxiety.
Reading Newspapers/Books
Reading can help your loved one absorb information, enhance their vocabulary and develop their vocabulary, which can improve their cognitive abilities. Reading can also be a great way to stimulate your loved one.
Going for Walks
Walking is one of the best aerobic exercises you can do, which can help boost memory, boost mood and improve mobility. Walking is also a great way to spend time together and connect on a deeper level, which can be something your loved one may have missed. If your loved one has trouble following complex directions, walking can be a simple way for them to keep their mind active and reduce their anxiety.