More than 20% of people aged 65-74 and 55% of people 75 or older have disabling hearing loss. Age-related hearing issues are common, but many people avoid seeking treatment.
The good news is that most types of hearing loss can be treated, helping to maintain your quality of life. Conductive hearing loss can be successfully addressed in many cases. Learn more about conductive hearing loss, its symptoms, and what you may be able to do to restore your hearing.
What Is Conductive Hearing Loss?
Conductive hearing loss means that sound can’t reach the cochlea in your inner ear. Loud sounds may seem muffled, and hearing soft sounds can be difficult.
The severity of conductive hearing loss can range from mild to severe. The condition can be temporary but may become permanent if left untreated.
Unilateral hearing loss affects only one ear. Bilateral hearing loss means both ears are affected.
Symptoms of Conductive Hearing Loss
In addition to muffled hearing, people with conductive hearing loss may notice several other symptoms, such as:
- Ear pain or tenderness
- Ear pressure or a “stuffy” feeling
- Popping or ringing in the ears
- Dizziness or other balance issues
Their own voice may sound louder than normal. Conductive hearing loss may start suddenly, which is different than other hearing impairment types.
Conductive Hearing Loss Causes
Conductive hearing loss has many causes, some of which are relatively simple to resolve and others that are more complicated. The sound blockage may be in the external ear or middle ear.
Issues with External Ear Structures
Common causes of conductive hearing loss from the external ear are:
- Earwax buildup
- Infection in the ear canal, commonly called swimmer’s ear (otitis externa)
- Stuck objects
- Bone growths in the ear canal
- Defects of the external ear canal (aural atresia)
If the cause of someone’s conductive hearing loss doesn’t come from the outer ear, the ear drum or middle ear may be the issue.
Issues with Middle Ear Structures
The ear drum divides the external ear from the middle ear. If it has a hole or ruptures, conductive hearing loss can occur. Other potential problems in the middle ear include:
- Fluid in the middle ear (serous otitis), often caused by poor Eustachian tube function
- Middle ear infection (otitis media)
- Abnormal skin growth (cholesteatoma)
- Damage to the middle ear bones
- Otosclerosis, a rare condition in which middle ear bones fuse together
People who suspect they may have conductive hearing loss should schedule an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor or an otolaryngologist.
Hearing Restoration Methods
People are sometimes reluctant to admit they have hearing loss and delay seeing a healthcare provider. Treatment is essential for maintaining the ability to participate in activities and interact with family and friends.
Hearing restoration methods depend on the causes of the impairment. Healthcare providers will develop a treatment plan that fits each person’s unique situation.
Medication may be an effective treatment for some types of conductive hearing loss. Antibiotics can restore hearing loss caused by an ear infection. Antimicrobial medication can treat problems caused by bacteria and fungi.
The doctor may prescribe medication as ear drops or pills to take by mouth.
Some types of conductive hearing loss may require surgery. These conditions include:
- Bony lesions
- Abnormal skin growths in the ear
- Hole in the ear drum
- Chronic middle ear infections
- Damage to bones in the middle ear
- Otosclerosis
Your ENT or audiologist will discuss with you whether surgery is the best option for your situation.
Hearing Aids
Hearing aids amplify and change sounds so you can hear them better. Many types of hearing aids are available, including models that are less visible than devices in the past. The five categories of hearing aids are:
- Behind-the-ear
- In-the-ear
- Receiver-in-the-ear
- In-the-canal
Behind-the-ear devices work well for people with a wide range of hearing loss. They have several parts, so you need some manual dexterity to use them.
In-the-ear devices are a good choice if you have manual dexterity issues. They work well for people with moderate to severe hearing loss.
Receiver-in-the-ear devices offer a more natural sound for many people. They require some manual dexterity, but they work for people with mild to severe hearing loss.
In-the-canal devices are less visible because they fit deeply into your ear canal. They’re smaller than other devices and may be harder to manipulate.
CROS/BiCROS devices are an option if you have good hearing on one side and severe hearing loss on the other. A microphone on the side with poor hearing delivers those sounds to your better ear.
Your hearing specialist will discuss the options with you to find a solution that fits your body and your lifestyle.
Active Surveillance
Although not technically a treatment, your healthcare provider may recommend simply keeping a close watch on your hearing. Your doctor will use ear exams and hearing tests to monitor your hearing. If the hearing loss worsens or starts to impact your quality of life, your hearing specialist will develop a treatment plan with you.
Protecting Your Hearing
You can’t prevent all conductive hearing loss causes, especially when it comes from problems with the bones or other ear structures. However, you can reduce your risk and promote better senior auditory health by following some simple tips.
Avoid sticking anything into your ear canal, including cotton swabs. If you think you have an ear infection, see a doctor and treat it promptly. If you’ll be in a loud environment, wear ear protection.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including good nutrition and exercise, supports your auditory health as well.
Senior Auditory Health and Quality of Life
Conductive hearing loss can impact your quality of life. However, many conductive hearing loss causes are treatable. A hearing specialist can help you learn about the options that will work best in your situation.
Maintaining senior auditory health promotes your well-being. You’re better able to interact with friends and loved ones.
The caring staff at Rittenhouse Village at Northside is here to help you navigate age-related hearing issues. We can help you follow your treatment plan and maintain your quality of life. Our community offers assisted living and memory care to provide the level of care that you deserve.
Schedule a tour of Rittenhouse Village at Northside today to experience personalized senior living on the North side of Indianapolis.