While it might seem that indoor and outdoor activities for blind elders are limited, the truth is that there are many exciting activities for the blind elderly that they can enjoy despite their visual limitations. Below are some that indoor and outdoor activities for blind elders that you can consider!
Dancing and Music
The beautiful thing about music and dance is that neither requires eyesight, only hearing. Thanks to advances in technology, different types of music are now widely available, including rare songs and tracks that in years past would have been difficult or costly to procure. Dancing can also be a wonderful activity for those who are blind so long as they have a partner or guide and move about on a floor that is free of obstacles.
Good stories are timeless and will never become old, especially when they teach valuable lessons that can be passed down from one generation to the next. The great thing about audiobooks is that they allow those who are blind to listen and engage with the voices of others, and thanks to the internet, you now have access to more knowledge than ever before, at an affordable price that includes both fiction and nonfiction works.
Those who are blind have a limited ability to cook but should be assisted by someone that can guide them. They can manipulate objects and utensils and with a bit of help, can prepare absolutely delicious meals. Don’t allow a loss of eyesight to prevent you from preparing the dishes you love, and best of all, elders who are blind can teach their recipes to children or grandchildren.
Board Games
While board games have traditionally been reserved for those who have normal vision, in recent years a growing number of manufacturers have recognized the importance of releasing versions for those who are visually impaired. The advantage of these games is that they stimulate the mind and require problem-solving but don’t need too much movement or physical exertion that could lead to injury.
Spending Time with Pets
While blind elders can benefit from the companion of different pets, the best are dogs that are specially trained to guide them. There are specific breeds that are well suited to this purpose, which are Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Labradors, as these dogs are highly intelligent yet make wonderful companions.
Physical exercise provides many benefits to aging people, and while some aren’t viable for those who are blind (such as cycling), there are other activities which are, such as yoga and Tai Chi. Engaging in these activities on a regular basis will alleviate feelings of depression while enhancing positivity and morale. Finally, elders will have greater energy levels and a stronger immune system with a reduced chance of developing diseases or sustaining injuries from falls.
As you can see, many activities can be enjoyed by those who are visually impaired, and continued advances in technology will open up doors for new activities.