World Elder abuse awareness day is observed every year on June 15, It represents the one day in the year when the world voices its opposition to the suffering inflicted to some of our older generation

What Is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day & Why Senior Living In Allentown, PA Celebrates It?

In the heart of communities like those involving senior living in Allentown, PA, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is a day of significant importance, marked every year on June 15th. This day is dedicated to understanding, recognizing, and combating the abuse and suffering inflicted on older adults, particularly those who are more vulnerable. Here’s…

Beige piggy bank with coins

What Is The Average Personal Care Cost Per Month In Temple, PA?

As the population ages, more families and individuals are exploring retirement community options, seeking comprehensive care that supports a vibrant and secure lifestyle. One of the key considerations in this journey is understanding the cost associated with Personal Care services. In Temple, Pennsylvania, as in many other parts of the country, these costs can vary…