Hearing Loss Test: Importance and Options for Seniors

Are you or your loved one experiencing hearing complications? According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), nearly half of American adults over 75 have difficulty hearing. Age-related hearing loss is a common medical issue among seniors. A hearing loss test is essential for older adults as it detects hearing decline…

Visiting Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City, IN: Tips for Seniors with Grandkids

According to recent findings from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), most parks and recreation centers in the U.S. — 92 % of them –offer programs designed for older adults. Popular activities include exercise classes (89%), sports and games (86%), arts and crafts (73%), and volunteer work (73%). These programs help older adults stay…

The Impact of Intergenerational Programs on Elderly Wellness

The gap between generations is often wide, but it doesn’t have to be. Intergenerational programs are breaking down barriers. They’re bridging generations between young and older generations in ways that are both enriching and impactful. Generations United reports that there are over 800 intergenerational programs available in the U.S. These programs create powerful connections while…

When to Move From Independent to Assisted Living: Key Indicators

The American Health Care Association estimates there are nearly 819,000 residents of assisted living communities across the US. Around half of these are aged 85 or older. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for a senior care transition can feel overwhelming, but making the right choice helps ensure safety and a better quality of life.…

Integrity vs Despair: Understanding Emotional Well-Being in Seniors

According to AARP, it’s estimated that around 30% of seniors report being very happy. For decades, researchers have been trying to figure out what affects the emotional well-being of seniors. While there are plenty of theories, one popular one is Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. This theory describes a concept in senior emotional well-being called…